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dome BEAUTY and This Is Us.

dome BEAUTY and This Is Us.

It was no surprise how excited we were when some of the cast of the hit TV show, This Is Us, stopped by to visit us at the Celebrity Connected event at the Biltmore Los Angeles. Each one of us freaked out a little inside. OK, maybe we freaked out a little on the outside too! 

This Is Us officially became the "surprise breakout hit of the fall" as quoted by the Washington Post. This new NBC series has surprised us all with over 14 million viewers for the pilot episode. Each episode leaves viewers and everyone at dome BEAUTY feeling so many emotions from excitement to tears to laughter.  This show has helped us reconnect with the challenges and successes of real life and restored hope for a better tomorrow.  Real life issues, brilliant writing and an amazing cast has drawn so many to watch this show unfold. We are not ready for this season to end!

We can't possible keep all their cuteness to ourselves. Here are some images from our time at Celebrity Connected!

Parker Bates You have won us over both in person and on screen.

Lonnie Chavis and Parker Bates were pure cuteness as they explored the Celebrity Connected event together.

Eris Baker and her gorgeous, sweet smile made us all smile with her.

Mackenzie Hancsicsak you are beautiful both inside and out. 

Hannah Zeile was more radiant in person than we could ever imagine. 

Logan Shroyer, well you can say our hearts melted just a bit getting to meet this amazing young man.

Don't miss the season finale of This Is Us, tonight!

If you haven't seen it yet, we highly suggest you start binge watching on netflix or hulu NOW!

Photos: Colburn Creative

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360° Clean Philosophy 

The dome BEAUTY’s mission is to provide 360° beauty solutions for a Clean Beautiful You™.  We created a brand that solidifies our commitment to make beauty more unifying while maintaining the cleanest and greenest standards. And it's not just about ingredients. Our brand is clean in all aspects, AKA 360° clean, which is exactly what it sounds like: A holistic approach to being clean in our products, packaging, application and ethics. They’re safe, eco-friendly, sustainable and inclusive for all specifically women of color.