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We are Proud this Pride Month

We are Proud this Pride Month

There is so much about which to be proud this June!

We are proud that what used to be Pride Week is now Pride Month! In recognition of the growing impact and acceptance of the LGBTQA+ community, we now celebrate this commemorative month locally, nationally, and globally with parades, parties and events.

June 28th marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which sparked the gay rights movement in the U.S. and around the world. We are proud to celebrate the progress made over the years during WorldPride NYC / Stonewall 50 in New York City.  

While we have come a long way since 1969, we still have a long way to go with respect to supporting and achieving equality of gender, sex, race, age, and ability. dome BEAUTY is a melting pot of diversity where acceptance and unity is always championed. Join us in supporting and celebrating Pride Month! Here are a few images of the beauty & creativity we support with some of our followers.

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360° Clean Philosophy 

The dome BEAUTY’s mission is to provide 360° beauty solutions for a Clean Beautiful You™.  We created a brand that solidifies our commitment to make beauty more unifying while maintaining the cleanest and greenest standards. And it's not just about ingredients. Our brand is clean in all aspects, AKA 360° clean, which is exactly what it sounds like: A holistic approach to being clean in our products, packaging, application and ethics. They’re safe, eco-friendly, sustainable and inclusive for all specifically women of color.